Thank you for contacting Tailwind factory
31 Dec, 2021,
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This web page is build for you to communicate with us your ideas, bugs and wishes regarding our SD simulation - the Tailwind factory. Hereafter, we will also note all issues that are under developement or ways to solve temporary known phenomenon while running the Simultion.
You are welcom to leave your comments and requests
Request for developements
30 Dec, 2021,
1 comment
Please enter here your request for modification or developement in the Tailwind factory System Dynamics simulation game.
Reporting a malfunction in the Tailwind factory
29 Dec, 2021,
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Please be specific in describing the issue you have encountered. When possible, include screen shots or other demonstrations
General feedback and success stories
28 Dec, 2021,
1 comment
Please shre your thoughts and successes
New release of Tailwind Factory SD simulation
8 Feb, 2021,
1 comment
New release - ver 0.2.182
Main updates:
- Easy and quick creation of new plant in one phase
- Plant and User personalization - add / crop photo
- New registration and registration keys policy and logic
- Easier consumption and registration keys management
- Fast in training Multy-cycle operation
- Fast 200 dats simulation
- Bug fix
Under developement in Tailwind factory
26 Jan, 2021,
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Issues that are currently on our developing table:- Demo Plant that will enable unregistered users to experiance the Tailwind factory SD simulation in action
- Easy and quick plant creation
- Sending Registration invitiation from the app
- New Debriefing page to summarize the Quiz
- Advanced Smartphone operator screen to be used during frontal trainings